Friday, July 15, 2011

Variations on a Teacup Theme

I'm a sucker for cute, tiny dolls; and these little sweeties are a wonderful inspiration for a variation on the Teacup theme :-)  By altering the basic Teacup Spirit pattern a very happy little crochet Teacupsie Spirit can be created.

You can find the pattern for the alterations here and on the left sidebar under Teacup Spirit Patterns.  She can even wear the Teacup Trousseau :-)

Enjoy the crochet!


  1. Lovely!!. I share with you my love for tiny dolls and the one you've made is lovely.

  2. She is wonderful. I love the way you did her.


  3. Another wonderous creation, I am in awe of all your Spirit Dolls.

  4. Aw, thank you all so much, Lola, Sandra, NyteFyre, Isa, and Fiona :-) Little dolls are downright addicting!


  5. Very cute! Little dolls, and I find, little plushies, are very addictive. Love your stuff!

  6. Hi Beth.
    Sorry that I haven't been commenting on your blog for a while. I like you doll.
    From Melanie

  7. She makes me want to smile. You made my day.


  8. Hi Beth,

    Would you mind if I give your teacup doll a spin as a knit? I had been toying (no pun intended) with the idea of making some little dolls when your teacup dolls pushed me over the edge. I am not suggesting a clone, but something of about the same size. If you feel okay with it let me know. I don't want to step on your toes.

  9. These are soooo cute!! Thank You so much for sharing the pattern!!

  10. Love her.
    Will have to try making a teeny, tiny doll soon.

  11. I also adore little dolls!!! And you did as usual such a great job:)!!


  12. Wonderful Beth, I really love her. I have already started doing your Free Spirit doll pattern, I will show you my results in a short time.

  13. Hi Beth thank you for your patterns, your work are always more beautiful. i send you a big kiss from hot italy ciaoooo

  14. How darling! Your dolls are so wonderful. I love the happy ones with smiling faces. :)

  15. Hi Beth,
    LOVE the smile, what a cutie, she reminds me of my grand-daughter Sissy.
    I'm working other projects right now, but this is going to be on my list.
    `til next time.

  16. Very cute! And I adore the LaLaLoopsy dolls. I have both big and small ones, as well as the playsets. They minis make great dolls for dolls. :o)
    I wish I had your talent to crochet little dolls. They are just adorable!

  17. Oh my, thank you all SO MUCH for your warm and wonderful words :-)

    Yvonne, of course I don't mind if you make a tiny knit doll; the tinier the merrier! I wish I could knit, but I think making three dimensional figures is harder in knit than it is in crochet. Go for it, Girl! Can't wait to see what you create.

    Join, looking forward to seeing your Free Spirit :-)

    I'm amazed at how many of you like the smile; I guess we need more of them in this funny old world :-)

    Thank you again,


  18. Your designs are quite original. There are some who would resent anyone coming up with something similar. If you check the knitting and crochet forums you know there are endless discussions on copyright, some very heated. Having been royally ripped off by both yarn stores and distributors, I am perhaps more sensitive to this issue.

    Thanks for your go ahead.

  19. Yvonne,

    I'm sadly aware of this 'copywrite' or copy issue. I was accused over a year ago of 'copying' a dollmakers centaur design. Her doll was a Waldorf based version; mine a crochet version. The sad thing about this was, I had made a similar doll in crochet several years ago, before ever seeing her work. I loved her work, but she called me such vile names for 'stealing' her idea. It wasn't so, but I could not convince her.

    So, I believe we are influenced by everything around us. I would never copy someone's instructions, but I've undoubtedly been inspired by much that I've seen, like the Lalaloopsy dolls. Have I stolen that design? I don't think so.

    Bottom line, if I've inspired you, or anyone else, to create a doll of their own, to me that is wonderful.


  20. Thanks a lot. I'll post a piture if I go ahead with the idea. Right now I am knitting my fingers off completeing Christmas projects for the family and a charity project for which i volunteered.

  21. Great, Yvonne! I need to get started on my Christmas work as well :-)


  22. Hi Kate,

    Well, I was at KMart, and these little dolls just jumped right into my cart...there was nothing I could do about it :-) They were inexpensive enough for me not to feel too guilty. They are great little models.

    Nope, never enough time for dollmaking. Your latest TreasureKeeper is just that, a real Treasure!


  23. Beth my dear friend , your dolls never disappoint! Exquisite work on these little darlings! On the topic of copyright, I myself just went through a bad spell of accusations on some ami's I made, due to respect of the other person however, I did not publish my pattern, but went on to re design them so they would not have any copycat rumors, it is so difficult at times to make sure every little detail is different than someone else s. I will be publishing them soon.
    I respect your open heart letting YaVonne make a wee knitted doll. I knit too, and would enjoy making a knitted one.

  24. Hi Chiwaluv!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your recent run-in with copy/copyright issues. I just don't think one can 'copyright' cute, and it is impossible to avoid being influenced by the creativity of others.

    I love seeing what other people create; and if I see elements in their work that look like mine, it may be I was the one that influenced them, and then again, maybe not.

    Thank you for your lovely words, and have a great day!


  25. These are so cute. I am going to have to attempt to make one some day. You really do a great job!

  26. just found your blog and wanted to tell you i am an avid crochet person; i cant wait to make some of your dolls...especially the faery!!!!

  27. Hi Chiwaluv,

    I had a similar experience. I designed a couple of little dolls wearing Victorian clothes. Now how many changes can you make in the human figure. How many changes can you make in period clothing. If you want it to say Victorian it has to look Victorian. Nevertheless, I was accused of copying Jean Greenhowe. Not by Jean but by someone who had seen pictures of the dolls. Upsetting isn't it?

  28. Hi, my name is Mrs. Sandy
    I love the dolls. I love small things; I think they just look adorable when they are tiny. I have a problem and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. When I click on any of the patters all I get is a pop up box, it says, “What do u want to do, open, save, or save as.” I have clicked on all of them and nothing happens. Unless I’m saving it someplace and I have no idea where, seeing it doesn’t do anything that I’m aware of. Usually when it says SAVE AS, it lets me pick and choose where to save it to. I’m a mom of 2 wonderful boys/men, and I’m finely a grandma of lil girls and now I can’t make dolls …help..double thx.

  29. Hi Mrs. Sandy,

    I'm not sure what is happening here. You do need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to open the PDF files (all of the patterns are PDF's). Your computer may have a directory called 'downloads,' and when you choose to save the file, it may automatically save it to your download directory (this is what my computer does). You might check this.

    Let me know if any of this helps.


  30. Gracias por compartir tu trabajo, me encantan los muñecos. En mi opinión los trabajos hechos a mano es dificil el tema de derechos de autor. Vemos muchas cosas y nos inspiramos en todo lo que vemos pero es muy muy dificil hacer dos trabajos iguales, siempre cambia algo, cada persona pone su toque personal. Sí alguien se inspira en mi trabajo estoy contenta y si alguien hace un trabajo igual al mio pienso que nunca sera igual. Si multan por inspirarse en la obra de alguien seria como multar al que le cuenta una pelicula a otra persona, ¿no? A fin de cuentas esta compartiendo el trabajo del autor del guión de la pelicula.

  31. Where can I find the Free Spirit Doll Pattern? Your dolls are soooooooooo Lovely. I have a granddaughter now so I am anxious to make dolls and doll clothes! Thank you.
