Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hurricane Irma; open our hearts again

***Update 9/20/2017***

Hurricane Maria pounding her way across the Caribbean.  Nasa GOES image

Mother Nature has been showing her darker side to us the past few weeks.  It is hard to talk about dolls when so many are threatened by natural disaster.  Not only three Catagory 5 hurricanes in the Caribbean, but two deadly earthquakes in Mexico.  

Please keep those in harms way, wherever they may be, in your hearts and prayers.  And if possible, donate to those on the frontline of helping.


Irma after raking Cuba; gaining strength to hit Florida.  Satellite image by NASA

We probably all know someone battered by Hurricane Irma; I have relatives and dear friends looking to put the pieces of their lives back together.

The fact that it could have been so much worse in Florida does not change the devastation that has been left there, and the islands of the Caribbean were literally ripped apart.  So, if you can, help as you can the people of the Caribbean and Florida rebuild their lives.

American Red Cross

The Humane Society of the United States

Thank you.


  1. Es terrible. No puedo imaginar estar alli.

    1. Yo tampoco, Isabel. Me preocupo por mis amigos que viven a través de esto, y todos aquellos cuyas casas han sido destruidas en todo el Caribe.


  2. I keep my eye on NOAA.gov and saw those two waves off the coast of Africa...70% chance of developing into tropical storms. Geez, we need a break!

    I'm so grateful that you and you Mom, and my friend Mary, came through this safely.


